Do you need an Oklahoma Whistleblower attorney? I am Oklahoma City employment law attorney Colby Addison, and we are discussing that very topic. Whistleblowing is typically something considered encouraged in the workplace in Oklahoma.
They encourage you to take action whenever you see something unlawful taking place, and they encourage you to take action when you see other people being discriminated against, including yourself, if you feel like you’ve been discriminated against. Take action. Report it to human resources. Report it to your supervisor.
Sometimes that has consequences though, and that’s why we have Oklahoma Whistleblowers attorneys such as myself. Whenever an employer retaliates against you for blowing the whistle on some sort of workplace misconduct, it’s important that you reach out to protect yourself and have an attorney represent you.
Oftentimes in Oklahoma, blowing the whistle on certain types of policy misconduct, such as violating a handbook may not be considered something that’s legally actionable if you’ve been retaliated against because of it. Typically, what we see is whistleblowing based on the mistreatment of other employees, based upon their age, their sex, their race, their color, or any kind of legal violations that you see in the workplace that you see your supervisor subjecting other employees to including yourself, protecting yourself can be important to report.
If you think that you’ve been mistreated because of such, or subject to some sort of retaliation because of such, including disciplinary actions, or being transferred to another department that’s unfavorable, or being placed on administrative leave, or terminated, it’s important that you reach out to an attorney including ourselves. If you have any questions about this or any other Oklahoma employment rights topics, contact me at